Literary Journals and Editing Q&A with Adalya Nash Hussein

Join the Managing Editor of Australian Poetry as she offers her insights in this special online Q&A discussion of all things editing and literary journals.
Discover different editing pathways, practices and techniques, and get to know what publishers are looking for across the literary magazine landscape. With plenty of time to share your questions, this rewarding session will inform the way writers of all forms read, write and pitch their work.
Adalya Nash Hussein is a writer and editor. Her work has appeared in Meanjin, Overland, Voiceworks, The Lifted Brow, Ibis House, Going Down Swinging and others. It has also been shortlisted for the KYD Creative Non-Fiction Essay Prize and the Scribe Nonfiction Prize. She has been a CA-SRB Emerging Critic, an Emerging Writers’ Festival Melbourne Recital Centre Writer in Residence, and Wheeler Centre Hot Desk Fellow. She has edited at Voiceworks, Liminal and The Lifted Brow, and currently sits as Managing Editor of Australian Poetry and The Victorian Writer.
Before the event, a link to the Q&A session will be emailed to participants. This is a live online event which will not be recorded.