What's on

Far Out: An online writers' meet

Living far out and wanting to connect with other writers?

Our friends at PELICAN offer FAR OUT – a free, fortnightly online meet – a way for anyone who needs time and space to put words onto the page to come together and share in writing time each fortnight.

Sessions are online every second Tuesday from 6pm -6:45pm ACST.

Please contact pelican.projects.press.post to sign up or for more information.

This program is free.

Sessions start 3 September 2024.


What happens in the sessions?

How does it work?

Do I have to share my work?

Do I have to be a serious writer to join?

Do I have to attend each fortnight?

Can we talk in the session?

There'll be people around me but I still want to join in. Is this okay?

Do I have to prove I live regionally, rurally or remotely?